Tuesday 16 October 2012

Art Architecture

A House to Die In

The exhibition in ICA London presents a collaboration between Bjarne Melgaard painter as client and Snohetta architects to make plans for his "House to Die In" on an Oslo hillside through exchanged ideas, architectural drawings and rendered 3D models. 
This amazing documentary shows the chaotic struggle of medium and language, art and architecture alongside a 1:1 model of the building with a facade of patterned burnt black wooden panels. The artist's absurd anthropomorphic visions - two tigers lying on one another sunken into the hillside - chaotic texts and drawings transferred into architectural plans and structures via email correspondence between the artist and the architects give an insight to this extraordinary creative process.

"It was about shaping certain contents of Bjarne Melgaard's drawings that then become sculpture, and which then become a sort of architecture. The whole process was a sort of anti-modernism." - says architect Kjetil Thorsen.
"I find architecture as a language very foreign to me,.. all the things that come with building a house I really didn't have a clue about." - says Bjarne Melgaard.

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© Zsuzsa Szuts 2010